Life Insurance can be used to pay for final expenses as well as additional debt. Learn how to leave a legacy to your spouse, children and grandchildren. Make sure there are sufficient assets so as not to leave a financial burden on your family and loved ones.
New child? grandchild? As they grow up and begin to experience the ups and down of life, living expenses become a reality. Juvenile Whole Life may help prepare them for the unexpected by providing financial protection.
- Juvenile Whole Life insurance can provide permanent lifetime coverage.
- Cash & loan value accumulates as the child grows
- Paid up and extended term insurance provide many options thru adulthood.
Learn how to protect your assets and loved ones in the event of a long term convalescence. Find out how to pay for long term nursing at home, care in an assisted living facility and care in a nursing home. Learn how to structure a policy to meet your needs in the event you cannot care for yourself.
Have you made financial arrangements for final expenses such as a funeral, burial plot, etc.? Do you wish to leave your heirs debt free? The last thing you want your loved ones to say when planning your final arrangements is, I can’t afford this.” If you haven’t considered this than you should purchase Final Expense Insurance. Why leave the financial burden to your heirs when you can take care of them yourself? Ask us for a free no obligation quotation today!